Seventh Grade

Seventh Grade

Curriculum at a Glance

Students in the junior high receive instruction in religion, English language arts, mathematics, literature, science, health, and social studies including American history. Instruction in art, health, music, and physical education are given weekly. Classes are taught on a departmental basis. All students in grades 4-8 take part in the Accelerated Reader Program. This is a system in which students read a book (which is chosen from a lengthy list) and then take a computerized test on that book. Points are earned and accumulated each quarter.


  • Participation in National Junior Beta
  • Altar Servers and Lectors
  • Student Council – ability to run for council officer positions
  • Participate in Spelling and Geography Bee
  • Participate in annual Musical cast
  • Junior High Dances
  • Extra Curricular – Football, Volleyball, Basketball, Soccer, Cross Country, Track & Field and Cheerleading
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